Cardboard car
The cardboard car – you can paint it with the markers, crayons or paints. Innovative system of glue-free toys folding . The car has a trunk inside which the child can hide something, all four wheels are spinning. Great fun for you and your child during the construction process and later on.
Toy sizes:
37,5 cm
45 cm
70 cm
Cardboard plane
The Cardboard plane, you can paint it with the markers, crayons or paints. Innovative system of glue-free toys folding. The plane has a trunk inside which the child can hide something, the propeller is spinning. Great fun for you and your child during the construction process and later on.
Toy sizes:
92,5 cm
36 cm
105,7 cm
The Cardboard Shop
The Cardboard Shop, you can paint it with the markers, crayons or paints. Innovative system of glue-free toys folding. It comes with a large shop counter and a shelf under it where you can hide eg. your puppets. Great fun for you and your child during the construction process and later on.
Toy sizes:
96,4 cm
103 cm
51,2 cm
The Cardboard Theatre
The cardboard theatre, you can paint it with the markers, crayons or paints. Innovative system of glue-free toys folding. It comes with a large shop counter and a shelf under it where you can hide eg. your puppets. Great fun for you and your child during the construction process and later on.
Toy sizes:
96,4 cm
103 cm
51,2 cm
The Cardboard Christmas tree
The cardboard Christmas tree that you can pain and, hide the present boxes underneath. (it’s unlocked from the bottom) . There are special holes to let you hang cardboard baubles. can be hung. You can hang them wherever you want of course. The cardboard baubles come in a set with our Cardboard Christmas Tree. Innovative system of glue-free toys folding.
Toy sizes:
56 cm
114,5 cm
48,5 cm
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